


Scene safe, BSI. Scene safe, BSI. This is pounded into your head from day one of training in any EMS career. Without proper BSI, body substance isolation, more commly known in the public as PPE, we are not only breaking the first and second rule of all EMS care but we are putting our families and the public in danger by possibly transporting diseases. Things like N95 masks, gloves, isolation gowns, & face shields are crucial for ALL Healthcare workers. Decontamination is just as important as proper PPE & nothing beats good ol' fashion soap, hot water, & friction. Hand sanitizer is literally a life saver for fire, rescue, ambulance, and police services where soap & water are not always available. Thank you for helping keep your front line workers safe so we can continue to keep you safe. Jennifer C. Belknap Paramedic - FTO

  • Jennifer Belknap
  • Albion Community Ambulance
  • Apr 14, 2020